There is no better way of using left over roast veg than to make this vegan bubble & squeak.
We love this one so much that we will often roast the veg just to make bubble & squeak!
Joss makes this one, it's very quick and easy but they look and taste so impressive!
Everyone will be incredibly impressed if you serve them these!
Give these a go! You wont be disappointed!
You can make 8 large bubble & squeaks!
1 kg Potatoes (Roasted)
1 kg Parsnips (Roasted)
1 kg Carrots (Roasted)
1 Head of Broccoli (Boiled)
or -
Any left over vegetables from your roast.
* Preheat the oven to 200C
* Place all your vegetables in a large bowl and mash them together. Using your hands to mash the veg has the best effect, but some people don't like to get too messy so you can use a masher.
* Once all the ingredients are combined, but not puréed, take a handful and press it into a burger shape. You can use a cookie cutter to help shape your 'patties' if that's easier. My husband finds it easier to get the shape right, I think it's because he has big hands.
* In a large frying pan heat up some oil on a medium-high heat.
* Place the potato cakes, in the pan, and fry on one side for about 3-4 minutes.
* Flip and repeat on the other side.
* Place the potato cakes on a baking tray and place in the oven for 10 minutes.
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