This is Kevin, my sister in laws baby. Amy loves him more than anything else in the world so it was only fitting that for her birthday I made her this vegan dog cake!
I made Kevin from half vanilla and half chocolate cakes and I gave him apple crumble butter icing from sugar and crumbs.
This was something I was unsure I was able to do, it's much bigger and more complicated than I'm used to, or so I thought.
This cake is actually very simple to make! I've shown you how I shaped it to help make it easier for you but the rest is just piping some fur on.
I'm very proud of this cake!
I feel like I've come a long way in the last few months; In November I made my dad a strawberry birthday cake, this was the first cake I had ever made, shaped and decorated. My Kevin cake is the newest cake I have made and I think he looks really good!
Kevin is a rescue dog from romania and he is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met.
My brother was really again having a dog, but if he wanted to be with Amy he had to "put up with" Kevin.
Lawrence is now just as in love with Kevin as Amy; he spoils him, cuddles him, walks him, plays with him. Everything!

Kevin's favourite toys are hedgehogs. He has about 3-4 different sized hedgehog toys, so of course I had to give Kevin cake a hedgehog too.
I'm actually very happy with this hedgehog, I think he's so cute! He's made from fondant with some buttercream spikes. This is the first time I've made a big thing with fondant, instead of making small decorations or covering a cake.
To make this vegan dog cake you will first need to make 4 x 20cm cakes and 2 x 18cm sphere cakes. Half of this were chocolate for me, you can make them all chocolate or all vanilla if you would like to.
If you don't have a half sphere cake, don't panic, you can make the shape out of some extra 20cm or 18cm round cakes.
I made mine in 2 lots; I halved the recipe and did 2 x 20cm and 1 x 18cm to begin with and once the cake came out the tins I then made the second lot.
I also made these cakes the day before and put them in the freezer overnight. This makes it way easier to shape, especially on a hot day, which is what we've had a lot of recently. And of course I wont complain about the sunshine, just work around it!
Because this cake is so large I didn't have a cake board big enough, so I used cardboard with some foil over it.
Now this seems like a good idea at the time but unfortunately this cake is very hard and the cardboard is way to flimsy.
We had a disaster (in the end) and we lost kevins bum.
I highly recommend if you use cardboard you then also place it on some wood or a chopping board, whatever you have thats strong and large, to ensure it doesn't break and fall on the floor.
I was heartbroken when this happened. I was so proud of my cake and I had lost half of it.
I'm just glad I got the photos first.

This is how I first shaped my cake.
I place 1 x Vanilla and 1 x chocolate 20cm cakes, one on top of the other, at the back and the one of the half spheres right at the back of these cakes. This is Kevin's bum.
You will then need to cut 1 of the 20cm cakes in half and place it just infront of the stack.
Add one of the half spheres propper up slightly, on the cake behind, this is Kevin's head.
You can now use the last 20cm cake to create Kevin's legs, use a small circle cutter to cut out his feet for his back legs.
Use the rest of the cake to fill in the gaps; Kevin has a longer snout and his neck and back will need filling up.

You can then add a crumb coat; A thin layer of butter icing that locks the crumbs in place so they aren't moving while you decorate.
Don't forget to use a little butter icing to stick the loose pieces of cake in place.
I then put my cake back in the freezer for 5 minutes to make sure everything stayed in place.
While the cake was in the freezer I used fondant to make Kevin's eyes, nose, tail and collar.

This is Kevin's collar. It's just like the one the real Kevin wears.
Of course you can decorate your collar however you would like.
You will need 3 different colours for the butter icing.
The first colour is the one the icing sugar turns the butter icing, this is a very light brown. You will then need a light grey and a black.
I coloured my icing as I needed it. So I could use as much brown as I needed, then colour is all grey and then all black when I needed those colours.
You can do whatever is easier for you.

You can now begine piping the icing on Kevin.
I used a line piping tool, I think this made his fur look great!
I piped all the brown on first; his legs, chest and some of his ears and back.
I then popped the cake back in the freezer for a few minutes, I wanted to make sure the butter icing wasn't going to melt.
I then repeated this with the grey and black.
Don't forget to pipe his ears and tail to make them the right colour and make it look like he has fur.
Then place the cake in the fridge until you are ready to serve!

I hope you love this cake as much as I do!
If you have any questions please send us a message. You can message on here, facebook, instagram and youtube. We look forward to talking with you!
Please don't forget to tag us if you try any of our recipes @marisasveganrecipes on facebook and instagram. We can't wait to see what you make!

Kevin Cake
5 â…“ Cup Self Raising Flour
4 Cups Caster Sugar
4 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
4-6 tsp Vanilla
1 â…“ Cup Vegetable Oil
4 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar You can use a white vinegar.
2 tbsp Cocoa Powder
Butter Icing;
1kg Apple Crumble Icing Sugar, Sugar and Crumbs
440g Butter I use Flora. I've found it's the only butter that doesn't make the icing melt the minute you pipe it on.
2-3 tsp Vanilla
Black Food Colouring
White,black and Red Fondant
Cake; (I made the cake in 2 lots, so I halved the recipe. )
Preheat the oven to 180C and prepare 4 x 20cm round tins and 2 x 18cm half sphere tins. I did this in 2 lots so 2 and 1 then the second lot.
In a large mixing bowl sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and the sugar. Mix to combine.
Pour in the milk, vinegar, oil and vanilla essence.
Mix until smooth.
If making in 1 lot, split in half and sift the cocoa powder into 1 lot. (If making 2 lots add the cocoa powder to one of them.)
Mix until combined.
Pour into your prepared cake tins.
Foil over your tins.
Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick can come out clean.
Let cool completely before decorating. (I like to make them the day before and place
them in the freezer so it’s easier to shape the cake)
Butter Icing;
Sift the icing sugar into a large bowl.
Add the butter
Cream together until smooth.
Add your vanilla.
Seperate into 3 bowls; 2 x ¼ mix and ½ mix
Colour the ½ mix black, 1 x ¼ mixes grey and leave the other one as it is.
Shaping the cake; (please see pictures above for help)
Place 1 vanilla and 1 chocolate 20cm cakes on top of each other.
Place one of the half spheres on top, in line with the back, on top of them.
Cut one of the 20cm cakes in half and place it next to the stack.
Place the other half sphere leaning against this one.
Cut the other 20cm into two front legs shapes. This will only use some of the cake, I made them out of each side so that it had a curve already made.
Cut out 2 small circles and small back legs.
Put them in place; back leg and circle for paws.
Use the rest of the cake to fill in where needs it. Behind the head to make the neck will need the most. The nose will need some to make his snout longer.
Cut indents for the eyes.
Cover the whole thing in a thin crumb coat, using the uncoloured icing, sticking all the bits together.
Place in the fridge or freezer to let the icing harden a little. I chose the freezer for 5-10 minutes.
Use the white fondant to make the tail, eyes, bones for the collar and ears.
Use the black fondant to make the rest of the eyes and the nose.
Use the red fondant to make the collar.
Use water to stick all the fondant together and place in the fridge until needed.
Use a toothpick to put the ears and tail in place and use icing to put the nose and collar in place.
Use a line piping tall to pipe the non coloured icing in place. Place the cake in the fridge or freezer to give the icing time to harden.
Pipe the grey on and again place in the fridge or freezer.
Do the same with the black. Don’t forget the ears and tail.
Place in the fridge until ready to serve.
Please don't forget to tag us if you try any of our recipes @marisasveganrecipes on instagram and facebook. We can't wait to see what you make!
Check out my youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3t5h_0RUlaNR207gZdXzcQ
Follow my facebook page for updates - https://www.facebook.com/Marisas-Vegan-Recipes-475379413198108/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Follow my instagram - https://www.instagram.com/marisasveganrecipes/
Check out some of my other recipes;
Special Occasion Cakes - https://marisasveganrecipes.wixsite.com/mysite/birthdays
